Meetings on Linac4 - PSB BI Line

Minutes Presentations
06-November-2006 Status of PSB Injection Design (WW), PSB Injection for 160MeV (KH)
18-December-2006 Simulation studies of the H- Injection and stripping foil (BG)
26-January-2007 CNGS_2μm foil, CNGS_5μm foil, CNGS injection Foil stresses (WW)
12-March-2007 CNGS_2μm foil, full LINAC beam (WW)
02-April-2007 Detailed layout of Injection Region (WW)
21-May-2007 Simulation on BS, KSW1L1 and H0 dump position (WW)
22-October-2007 Study on moving KSW1L1 to period 16 (BG)
12-November-2007 BI.DIS OPERA simulations (BB)
03-December-2007 Aperture model (BG), Simulations and prototype testing of BS1 (JB), BS magnet power supply (TF)
14-January-2008 Pulsed power converter for BS magnets (JB), EVM Template (SR), LINAC4 Advisory Committee Program (WW), Linac4 WBS tasks (WW), Talk for LINAC4-advisory-committee (WW)
07-April-2008 BI.BS fall and Rise time requirements (BG)
21-April-2008 order quantification of eddy current effects in BI.BS laminated magnets (JB), PSB Injection Geometry for the SMV magnets (WW)
05-Mai-2008 minutes workpackage holders meeting of 22 April, eddy currents in BI.BS vacuum chamber (JB)
26-Mai-2008 aperture limitations for H- beam at the BI.DIS and BI.SMV (WW), FLUX2D simulations on the expected fringe fields of the BI.SMV (JB)
16-June-2008 Booster Injection Workpackage Description (WW), BI.DIS installed with 5 mm offset, BI.DIS installed with 0 mm offset
01-Octobre-2008 Lattice perturbations due to the injection chicane (meeting related)
13-Octobre-2008 Some ideas to optimise PSB injection chicane (BG), Eddy current effects in the PSB injection area (JB)
01-December-2008 PSB-BI Conceptual Design Status (WW), BS(1) combined function feasibility study (BG,JB)
26-January-2009 Outcome of L4 PSB injection review, Additional Comments, Issues related to the Head Dump (WW), Result BS1 2turn Combined Function Magnet (BB,JB)
9-March-2009 4th SMV magnet cost estimate (JB, MH), BID Head Dump activation (RC)
Recent Meetings  

List of Outstanding Issues

Parameter List

Conceptual Design